Please follow the steps below to get your E*TRADE tax documents.
Open the E*TRADE app on your iPhone, then log in using your user ID and password.
Once logged on, tap on the hyperlink where it says Individual Brokerage.
On the screen, you will see several tabs saying Overview, Portfolio, Balance, etc... Scroll to the extreme right, where you will see a tab that says Documents.
Tap on Documents.
Once you tap on Documents, you will see a section which says Type, and next to that, you will also see Statements.
Tap on Statements.
Once you tap on Statements, you will see an option for Tax Docs.
Tap on Tax Docs.
Once you tap on Tax Docs, you will see a tab which says 1099 Consolidated.
Tap on 1099 Consolidated.
On the screen, you will see your 1099 and if you wish to download it, tap on Download.