Please follow the steps below to download and install Qustodio for Windows.
Open the website on your desktop computer or laptop.
Click on Product.
On the drop down list, you will see an option for Go to Downloads. Click on Go to Downloads.
Now, you will see the list of devices. Click on Windows.
Then, a Download button will appear. Click on Download.
Once the download is finished, you will see the file at the bottom left part of the screen. Click on the file.
Then, a pop up message will appear. To proceed, click on the button that says Accept and Install.
Now, select if you are new to Qustodio or you already have a parent account. If you are new, click on the radio button beside I’m new to Qustodio. Then, click on Next.
To create an account, enter your name, email address, and password.
After entering, click on the tick box to confirm that you read, understand, and accept the privacy policy in terms of service. Then, click on Next.
Now, enter a name for your device. Then, click on Next.
Lastly, enter the name, birth year, and gender of the user. Also, select an avatar. Then, click on Next.