Nowadays, people are keen on looking for another source of income that will benefit them in the long run. With all the new advances around us, people are now being more aware and educated of the different options they have regarding their finances and one of this is through buying stocks at various companies. Although for some it may sound risky, for many others this is worth the risk. That is why in this article, we will be giving you easy instructions on how you can buy stocks in the E*TRADE app using Limit Order.
Enter your user ID and password, and then tap on Log On.
Once logged in, you will see your account details and several icons, including a Trade icon at the bottom of the screen.
Tap on Trade and then Symbol.
On this screen, you will have to type in the symbol of the company or the particular company name you are buying and tap on that specific company.
On this screen, you will see the current Bid and the Ask for the company.
Tap on the Order type.
Since you want to buy a stock, tap on Buy on this screen, and then you have to enter the quantity of shares you want to buy.
Once you have entered the quantity, you have to enter the price type.
If you want to buy it at the market price, you can leave Price Type as Market, otherwise tap on that and select Limit and buy it at a particular price.
Once you have tapped on Limit, you have to enter the Limit Price and tap on Term for the term limit.
Tap on Preview to verify all the details and if everything looks good, tap on Place Order.