Please follow the steps below to add a payment method on Meijer.
Open the website on your desktop computer or laptop, then click on the profile icon.
On the drop-down list, you will a button for Sign In. Click on Sign in.
Now, enter your email or phone number. Then, click on Next.
After that, enter your password and click Sign In.
Once you’re signed in, you will see another profile icon. Click on the profile icon.
Then, you will see a section for Payment Methods. Click on Payment Methods.
At the middle part of the page, you will see an option for Add New Payment. Click on Add New Payment.
Now, enter the card information such as the Name on Card, Card Number, Expiration Month and Year, and CVV.
After that, select a Billing Address by clicking the drop-down arrow on the billing address field. If you haven’t added a billing address, click on Add New Address.
Then, enter all the required information. After that, click on Save.
And now, you have successfully added a payment method on Meijer.