Please follow the steps below to add a payment method on KFC.
Open the website on your desktop computer or laptop, then click on the profile icon.
Now, log in with your email and password.
Once you’re signed in, you will see another profile icon at the top-right side of the screen. Click on the profile icon.
On the left side menu of the page, you will see an option for Payment. Click on Payment.
If you have not picked a store yet, you need to pick first before adding a payment method. To proceed, click on Pick Store to Add Payment. But if you already picked a store, skip this part.
First, select the order type if Quick Pick-up or Delivery. If you chose quick pick-up, enter on the search field your state, city, or ZIP to know the nearby stores. Then, if you chose delivery, enter your delivery address on the field provided.
Once you’ve already picked a store, you will be back to a page. There, you will see an Add Payment button. Click on Add Payment.
Now, enter your card credentials such as the name on card, card number, expiration date, CVV, and billing ZIP code. You could also have a nickname but it is optional.
After entering all the required information, click on Save.
And now, you have successfully added a payment method on KFC.